SBL Ferrum Metallicum Dilutionis the homoeopathic medicine which is helpful in the treatment of headaches, oversensitiveness, blood circulation ailments, and palpitation. This medicine is made from powdered iron and a rich source of dietary iron. It is a good medication against excess sweating, anaemia and weak pulse. It helps in healing severe headache associated with ringing sensation in ears before menses. It is effective in treating many stomach related issues such as appetite, gastric problem, nausea, vomiting,frequent belching with small vomit, soreness in the abdomen and burning in stomach. It is also effective in regulating scanty or irregular menses.
Key Ingredients:
- Powdered iron of iron ore
Directions For Use
Dosage should be directed by the physician.
Additional information
Brand | |
POTENCIES | 12CH, 30CH, 200CH, 1000CH |