

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

A Nervine & Nutritive tonic indicated in: General Debility & Weakness. Anaemia, Convalescent stages after acute & chronic diseases. Sleeplessness. Loss of memory, mental & physical energy. Loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation. Hepatic and digestive disorders. Also recommended for every mother to regain & retain her youthful health & vigour after child birth.

Product Composition

Each 5 ml contains : Avena sativa f 0.200 ml HPI, Withania somnifera f 0.100 ml HPI, Alfalfa f 0.200 ml HPI, Crataegus oxyacantha f 0.100 ml HPI, Passiflora incarnata f 0.150 ml HPI, Damiana f 0.012 ml HPI, Nux vomica 3x 0.100 ml HPI, Anacardium orientale 3x 0.012 ml HPI, Acidum phosphoricum 2x 0.200 ml HPI, Kalium phosphoricum 3x 50.00 mg HPI, Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 50.00 mg HPI, Magnesium phosphoricum 3x 12.50 mg HPI, Calcarea phosphorica 3x 12.50 mg HPI, Natrum muriaticum 3x 12.50 mg HPI, Syrup base q.s., Excipients q.s., Alcohol 11.0% v/v

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Nutraceuticals is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe any product derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods.