
Adven Alfa-G (Tonic With Ginseng)

Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹103.50.

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Indication of Adven Alfa-G (Tonic With Ginseng)

Removes Physical and Mental Fatigue, Stress and Strain, Improves Appetite

Action of Ingredients used in Adven Alfa-G (Tonic With Ginseng)

Alfala (medicago sat.) Q, Avena sativa Q, Ginseng Q, Cinchona Offinalis Q, Hydrastis Can Q, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Kali Arsenicosum 4x, Ferrum Aceticum 6x, Calcarea Phosphorica 6x

Directions of use of Adven Alfa-G (Tonic With Ginseng)

Adult: 1 tablespoonful

Children: 1 teaspoonful thrice a day

Additional information




Nutraceuticals is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe any product derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods.